"Onward" is out!

Velkommen! Jeg er Lene Nevisdal; Oppvokst i Arendal, bor i Telemark.
Dere ser kanskje at jeg har flere forskjellige interesser, men størst av de er nok musikk; låtskriving og formidling. 
Ta gjerne en kikk her inne. Forhåpentligvis blir du inspirert til å starte/fortsette på egne prosjekter. 

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I am Lene Nevisdal, born and raised in southern Norway, now living in beautiful Telemark.
This page reveals a good portion of my different passions, where music probably takes senter stage.
I hope you'll enjoy these small pieces of my life.
Maybe this page can help you continue with your own projects? 
Please remember not to think poorly of yourself and what you can achieve!

Music videos, lyrics, credits and more. Welcome to my happy place!

Let me take you to where life is black and white, but still colorful. 

See my paintings and drawings.
A couple of them are for sale.

The blog contains personal details from my head space while writing songs.

Check out if there's a consert coming up.
Hope to see you there!

CDs from my first album are in stock

Se, en morgen reiser seg
Den hilser deg god dag
Den gir deg nok et øyeblikk
Med hvile eller jag

Husk å trekke pusten
Glem ikke å forstå
At verden trenger deg idag
Med salt og sukker på

Les flere dikt her

Be courageous

Follow your heart

All my songs are available on Spotify